Recruiter's Diary

Recruiter's Diary

Pomáhám organizacím najít nové zaměstnance do IT a lidem tu pravou práci. Odjakživa mám blízko k lidem a baví mě nalézat řešení tam, kde jiní tápou.


Recruitment of UK citizens after Brexit

We can expect some changes in the recruitment process of United Kingdom citizens as a result of Brexit. Let us therefore take a closer look at the most important issues recruiters and HR specialists should be aware of.

Hana Kopřivová

4 minutes read

There are several things which will never be the same all around Europe, however we are going to focus on the consequences of Brexit to the recruitment process, job applicants and employers in the Czech Republic.

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Na tomto webu se chci s Vámi podělit o své zkušenosti, nápady a postřehy z praxe, které mohou recruiterům i firmám usnadnit práci. Nebo alespoň nabídnout jiný úhel pohledu.