Recruiter's Diary

Recruiter's Diary

Pomáhám organizacím najít nové zaměstnance do IT a lidem tu pravou práci. Odjakživa mám blízko k lidem a baví mě nalézat řešení tam, kde jiní tápou.


Unexpectedly long process

As you might know, finding the right person for the job is not enough and sometimes it takes more time and effort to get him on board than you can expect at the beginning.

Hana Kopřivová

4 minutes read

I have been recruiting for the complex role of IT Project Manager a while ago and I would like to tell you more about this challenging experience today. Not mentioning the important prerequisites such as understanding the role and the client situation, you also need to be resilient and strong enough in communication to be successful.

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Na tomto webu se chci s Vámi podělit o své zkušenosti, nápady a postřehy z praxe, které mohou recruiterům i firmám usnadnit práci. Nebo alespoň nabídnout jiný úhel pohledu.