Recruiter's Diary

Recruiter's Diary

Pomáhám organizacím najít nové zaměstnance do IT a lidem tu pravou práci. Odjakživa mám blízko k lidem a baví mě nalézat řešení tam, kde jiní tápou.


Don´t be afraid of a job change

Many people are afraid to search for a new job these days, even if they are unhappy at their current roles. Although the current situation is not an easy one, it does not mean that searching for new job is a bad idea...

Hana Kopřivová

6 minutes read

Is it a good time for a job change in these challenging days? A lot of potential clients and candidates are asking for my advice in this area. It is not an easy question, because everyone of us has different life conditions, therefore I cannot give you simple answer.

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Na tomto webu se chci s Vámi podělit o své zkušenosti, nápady a postřehy z praxe, které mohou recruiterům i firmám usnadnit práci. Nebo alespoň nabídnout jiný úhel pohledu.