Recruiter's Diary

Recruiter's Diary

Pomáhám organizacím najít nové zaměstnance do IT a lidem tu pravou práci. Odjakživa mám blízko k lidem a baví mě nalézat řešení tam, kde jiní tápou.


I am enthusiastic about IT recruitment and nearly anything IT-related. I have always been an outgoing, sociable person and I like to find solutions where others see difficulties. I have a degree in Arts Management and have worked with clowns as well as actors and directors. Given this wealth of experience, I can handle even a circus-level corporate environment quite well.

I’ve been helping IT specialists find the right jobs and companies to find the best employees since 2016. I have successfully placed hundreds of candidates and have received positive references on my work from dozens of satisfied companies. I can speak “the language of IT specialists” and I offer a recruitment service from A to Z. I have experience with a wide range of positions – from IT administrators in small and medium businesses to managerial roles in international corporations. I spent some time leading a team of IT recruiters in a multinational corporation, which was a very interesting experience. During that time, I also built a specialized education and training program for my team. I have experience with acquisition of new customers, career consultancy, preparation of salary surveys and HR marketing in the IT segment, among other areas.

I can help you with IT recruitment and expert consultations, as well as with building efficient recruitment and HR processes.

  • Do you need a help with IT recruitment in your company?
  • Are you interested in a job change?
  • Do you have a specific problem in recruitment and want to ask someone with more experience?
  • Let me know and we’ll discuss the details.

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Na tomto webu se chci s Vámi podělit o své zkušenosti, nápady a postřehy z praxe, které mohou recruiterům i firmám usnadnit práci. Nebo alespoň nabídnout jiný úhel pohledu.